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Every Gradio app comes with a built-in queuing system that can scale to thousands of concurrent users. You can configure the queue by using queue() method which is supported by the gr.Interface, gr.Blocks, and gr.ChatInterface classes.

For example, you can control the number of requests processed at a single time by setting the default_concurrency_limit parameter of queue(), e.g.

demo = gr.Interface(...).queue(default_concurrency_limit=5)

This limits the number of requests processed for this event listener at a single time to 5. By default, the default_concurrency_limit is actually set to 1, which means that when many users are using your app, only a single user's request will be processed at a time. This is because many machine learning functions consume a significant amount of memory and so it is only suitable to have a single user using the demo at a time. However, you can change this parameter in your demo easily.

See the docs on queueing for more details on configuring the queuing parameters.